5 Questions Raised about Elon Musk’s — City of the future..

Ayesha Khan
4 min readMar 27, 2021


On being asked upon “When people think of the future, they think of flying cars. What is your take on that,the future?”, He answered”Don’t you think that the idea of cars flying in the sky is a bad idea. It will pollute our clear sky too”.This was the simple answer of Elon Musk about the future technology.

Elon Musk,as we all know is the one person we can call a visionary because of his impeccable thinking.the ideas he has .After the success of the Tesla cars he has many ventures coming up in the next few decades the Space-Ex being the most famous one.Next are the Hyperloop,The tunnels,Solarcity etc.So read ahead to know more…

What is the City of the Future?

Elon Musk has a completely different idea of the future ,A more Sustainable one, pretty conflicting right ,we all can agree that development and pollution go hand in hand. Well as sad it sounds it is what the past has shown us.

Musk idea of sustainable development starts from the city itself.He prefers underground tunnels rather than flying cars ,which I believe is more practical too. Then there is the Hyperloop,which is more for long distance travel,solar city to make use of solar energy on a large scale. Not what we picture right,but it makes more sense .So let’s dive more into each of his venture..

Tunnels-The Boring Company(..pun intended!)

Musk speaks about his tunneling company “The Boring Company” (pun intended!). He says that it takes only 3–4% of his time. He explains that most people working there are actually trainees and part timers. Musk claims, “I’m fairly confident that it [Tesla Electric Car] will be able to do that route even if you change the route dynamically”. They have already begun to experiment with models for this car, and yes, it drives all by itself.Musk, after sitting in Los Angeles traffic one time too many, took to Twitter to propose a solution.

A boring solution. Literally, boring multilayer, underground tunnels to alleviate street level gridlock. Some weren’t sure if he was joking, but five months later he posted a photo of a tunnel staging area.Musk released a video showing how the tunnels could work with street level traffic, with entrance and exit elevators to the tunnel network that have a footprint about the size of a parking space.

Hyperloop-Virgin Hyperloop

First publicly mentioned in 2012, infighting and lawsuits slowed the project down but Hyperloop One completed its first test earlier this year. It only reached 70 mph, but co-founders of Hyperloop still called it their “Kitty Hawk moment.” Theoretically, a hyperloop train could reach speeds that surpass 600 mph — faster than some commercial airliners.

The next goal is testing that can reach 250 mph. The work is being done at an above ground area in Nevada, but the hypothetical D.C. to New York Hyperloop would likely be underground, according to Musk. This would limit disruption and noise to the residents along the corridor, especially if it’s tunneled deep below the surface — it would, theoretically, be hard to detect.

Energy and storage-The SolarCity

SolarCity Corporation is a subsidiary of Tesla, Inc. that develops and sells solar panels and solar roof tiles. It is headquartered in Fremont, California. After its acquisition in 2016, effectively all products and services are sold through Tesla’s website. The company, in partnership with Panasonic, manufactures solar module components in Tesla Giga New York, a factory in Buffalo, New York.

In August 2019, Tesla announced they would begin renting solar systems to customers in six states starting at $50 a month, in a plan to boost residential solar deployments.

In July 2020, Tesla claimed “Tesla Solar is the lowest-cost solar in the United States” with a price of $1.49 per watt for solar panels when including federal tax credits.


All these Future technologies make more sense to me than the mere idea of something like the transformers. Elon Musk’s ideology of giving simple solutions to the World crisis problems is what makes him one of a kind. I too believe developing technology while keeping in mind the Environment too is the key to Humankind’s true success.

Let me know below in the comments ,what is your idea of the future….

